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A member registered Nov 07, 2018

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Simple Stylish Game.
Good use of visual and audio inputs, with ability to customise sound levels.
Movement feels slow, especially with the Wizard. No issues avoiding deaths with either of the other two classes, but the slowness of the Wizard certainly ramps the difficulty up.
Attacks feel slow in comparison to the Elemental, making the Archer have the easiest time due to distance. Fighter's shield having a few cool effects, being able to block some of the unexpected effects.
Falling off the bottom of the arena is a nice touch, as well as a surprise.
Replayability is limited, the first game has a huge learning curve, but after that the difficulty drops considerably.
Overall enjoyable experience & well crafted.
Rating: 9/10

Been playing for about 15mins. I've only come across two flaws. The first being that a lack of volume controls hinder the ability to focus (preference for lower music, higher important sounds).
The second is the controls feel "sticky" and slow to react. Something you'd get use to over time, but annoying in the first instance of meeting them.
Otherwise gameplay is simple and solid. An indicator of which weapon is attached to primary and secondary toggles would be useful. Music, Sounds and graphics are all otherwise spot on and atmospheric.
Rated 7/10 for fun :D